When I wanted to skip Communion Sunday

Last Sunday I didn’t want to go to church. I wasn’t sick. I had slept well enough the night before. The weather was clear. But I wanted to stay home.

This was not like me at all. I’m the one who would cry when I was sick and stuck at home as a child. That’s a whole different story though.

In my mind, I thought, “I’ll just go teach the four year olds at 9:30. Then I will slip out before the service begins. I can have an extra-restful Sunday afternoon, and my body needs it since I’m working to heal it.”

Excuses. Excuses. You’re probably wondering — Why?

What’s so different about Communion Sunday?

The first word: Communion.

My anxiety had been growing for a month…since the last time my church served communion. I was fine that time. Nothing had changed yet, but I knew the drastic diet restrictions were coming. I had researched plenty to understand nutrition plays a huge role in healing autoimmune disease. I just hadn’t realized how it would affect the way I took communion until the last Sunday I went up front for a piece of gluten-free bread and a sip of grape juice.

That Sunday it hit me, “I won’t be partaking in communion for a while.”

The question was, and still is, will I have to avoid this taste for just two months or is it a permanent requirement for my long-term health?

I didn’t skip Communion Sunday. As much as I wanted to run away from a hard reality, I found the strength to stay.

Part of my healing journey is being more than OK with who I am. I want and need to live in freedom as a whole person. And last Sunday, that meant staying at church and crying during the service. The tears came again right after church, but I didn’t care.

I felt better. I was real. I let myself grieve this loss, even if it is temporary.

I don’t have the answers yet and I don’t know the future. But this kind of freedom brings healing too. The kind that says, “I am broken. I am weak. Yet I am still strong.

So admit those hard questions and be ready to let go. Hold on to the good things you still have, and wait for what is coming.